Imagine a dog’s life in a loving home. His only duty is to be a loyal companion and hang out with his people when they are available.
It’s rather fun. For example, when he goes out for a walk, he loves to socialize. He greets other dogs, and his walker gets to meet other people. It’s time to share the latest neighborhood happenings, upcoming events, and maybe plan a gathering.
At home he sleeps comfotably, but is also a loud doorbell when someone arrives at the home’s portal. He lets his people know there is a person waiting for them. Of course, if that person does not belong there, he is their reason to take off running, and get some much needed exercise.
He eats well, and drinks lots of water. That last one is so he can water the flowers in the neighborhood. He seems to have a never ending supply of fluid, though often he only sprays some misty air. Yet he never fails to make an effort.
He may be large, or small, but he loves to sit in laps, and he’ll be sure to clean off any leftover nutrition on that persons face.
He may have no cares, but his biggest possession is loyalty to his people.