This is a compilation of perceptions, with roots in the real world, and solutions that might actually work if people actually wanted to solve our problems. It is also a series of challenges to some behaviors that are becoming common place, and not conducive to forming positive relationships in our complex, and diverse, society.
Hopefully people will read these ideas and give them due consideration with an open mind.
The author is a 78 year old software developer/publisher, with previous employment in educational psychology, communications, theology, real estate sales, machinist, and more. He is a husband, father, grandfather, veteran, volunteer, and educator.
It all adds up to a lot of study, academically and personally, and a lot of experiences that reinforce what you will find on these pages.
Though not a “religious” site, the verse governing what you will see is Phillipians 4:8- “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”